Now It's Your Turn to Live

A Life of Heritage

HELLO! My Name is...

Delci Plouffe

If you usually have dirty feet, don't mind a little dirt under the fingernails and love goats, bees, gardening and are in the right place!



Do you love horses? Homesteading? Gardening? Animals?


Good! Me too! This free resource page will be a great way to continue the learning process you are on. Download, print out, and learn from the downloads available!


Get access to it immediately!

This FREE mini-book has 230 ideas organized into sections so that you can easily see where you can expand and in what ways. 


Download it immediately, print it out and begin to dream.


This is the easy part, getting access...the hard part is implementing all the dreams. But be determined and don't give up!

FREE 3-Day Mini-Course.


Do you sometimes feel like if anything could go wrong with your finances, it will and does?


Yeah, me too. No matter what, if felt like Murphy and his silly law were literally wreaking havoc on our finances, marriage and life. It was crazy and so frustrating. 


These three videos will help you view money just a bit different and may even explain why it's all falling apart. Knowledge is power. Get that knowledge, get that power back and change your life. 

FREE 5-Day Mini-Course


If you own goats, you know that those little rascals can begin to add up costs throughout the year. 


What does it take to earn money from them? This course will help you think outside the box as you begin to raise goats for profit.


With 5 short videos, worksheets and a plan, you can be well on your way very quickly!


Get access now!

FREE 5-Day Mini-Course.


Ready to start that chicken business you've always been dreaming about? 


Why not take this short course with 5 videos, worksheets and the insight needed to step above the crowd?


Join now!


FREE 5-Day Mini-Course


It's time to bring those goats home. Are you ready?


You can be! This course will walk you through the essentials that need to be in place for your goats when they come home. 


Videos, worksheets, and you ready! Sound good? Join now!

Don't miss these...

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